Recently I came across my old photo in high school. I was shocked by the striking difference between how I look now and how I used to look in my teens. I used to be so slim, as a real model from the fashion magazine, and I was struck by a strong desire to lose weight and become a better and much slimmer version of myself. And I challenged myself to lose weight. But what to start with?
Get Octomoves Flow Rope

I checked online and an Octomoves review caught my eye. The rope itself looked very sleek and after watching the video with Octomoves flow rope training I decided to purchase one for myself. I chose Red Phoenix rope for the beginners and downloaded the app. I covered the basics within a week and now enjoy flowing the rope on the lawn after work. Due to Octomoves rope flow I feet my joints more flexible. I am moving all the time and even though flowing the rope may seem easy, in fact, it is not. Such exercise engages all your muscles and is very effective.
Add Power Training

Since I wanted to lose weight fast, I added weights to my Octomoves training. So, I started to practice Octomoves rope flow as a warm up for power lifting. Such approach works best for me and I started losing weight much faster.

During power training I burn fat and get stronger.

I purchased various weights and grab them several times a day whenever I have free time.
Walk at Least 30 Minutes a Day
The more I walk the slimmer I become, plus it’s a good cardio exercises, especially if I walk fast. I took it as a habit to go to the local shopping mall, but not drive. It takes me 10 minutes to get there on foot and I am very happy to be able to get somewhere without a car. I often take my child for a walk there or go to the café with my husband. An extra bonus is that you don’t have to worry where to park your car before the holidays or on Black Friday when there are big crowds of people.
Practice Colon Cleansing

From time to time, I practice colon cleansing to get rid of toxins. I like Colon Broom as it works great at helping relieve bloating and constipation. My gut feels thankful after every Colon Broom cleansing session. I usually drink Colon Broom for 2 months and then have a break for 2 months. Such system proved effective for me, and I can recommend it to everyone. To save on Colon Broom I get a 3-month ColonBroom subscription which is much cheaper than purchasing just1 ColonBroom bottle and on top of that I use Colon Broom Coupon ONLYYOU to get an extra $10 Off my purchase.
Have Splendid Spoon Smoothie for breakfast

Many celebrities show off their slim bodies and claim that green smoothies help them look great. I decided to follow their example, but I make smoothies from scratch only at the weekend. During the week I have Splendid Spoon smoothies that have no preservatives and artificial flavors. There company has such a great selection of smoothies that I am never bored with them. Rich in green vegetables and fruit Splendid Spoon smoothies taste great and provide all the important nutrients. It’s a delicious and healthy start of the day, and now I feel much more energy than when I started the day with a cup of coffee. To save on my Splendid Spoon order I use Splendid Spoon Coupon I find online. It’s always so nice to enjoy something you can’t stay without with steep discount.
Eliminate Added Sugars in My Diet
It’s not a secret that added sugars are bad for you. By continuing to consume sugar you increase your risk of getting diabetes, heart stroke and developing serious heart diseases. Sugar leads to clogged arteries, so it had better be avoided. I substituted sugar by organic honey I purchase at Whole Foods Market. Just one teaspoon of honey a day is enough for me to satisfy my craving for sweets
These easy and quite affordable steps helped me lose weight and changed my life for better. Not only do I love my reflection in the mirror, but I also feel more energy, I feel more optimistic about the future. I feel much happier, healthier and look much better with my fitness daily routine. All it takes is strong determination to change your life and a will power to stick to your training schedule. Any transformation means patience and hard work. My work brought noticeable results and tons of compliments. But the most important thing is that I feel and look awesome now.
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