How can I use a coupon code with Country Store?
To apply a coupon code on the Country Store website, simply add the desired products to your cart and proceed to checkout. During the checkout process, you’ll be prompted to enter a “catalog code.” This is where you can enter your coupon or promotional code to enjoy the associated discount.
How can I receive a free catalog from Country Store?
By requesting a free catalog from Country Store, you’ll gain access to exclusive promotional offers, including occasional free shipping and discounts on products. Experience the convenience of shopping from the catalog and take advantage of these special deals.
How can I find current sales items and save money at Country Store?
Visit the Bargain Outlet page on the Country Store website to discover a selection of discounted products. Explore the current sales items and enjoy savings of up to 60% on closeout products. Don’t miss out on these fantastic deals!
What benefits do new email subscribers receive from Country Store?
New subscribers to Country Store’s email list are in for a treat! Enjoy a 10% discount on your first order from Country Store as a welcome gift. Sign up for their mailing list to be among the first to know about sales, discounts, and promotional offers. Plus, new subscribers also have a chance to win a $100 Country Store Catalog gift card.
What are the shipping options and costs at Country Store?
While Country Store does not offer regular free shipping, occasional free shipping offers can be available through the free catalog. For regular shipping, orders of $45 or more qualify for a minimal flat rate of $4.99. Explore the shipping options during checkout to choose the best option for you.
How can I save more with Country Store? Is there a loyalty program?
To unlock even greater savings, join the Country Store VIP Club. As a VIP member, you’ll enjoy 10% off every purchase and receive instant cashbacks. Take advantage of exclusive discounts on gift cards and other rewards available only to VIP Club members. Maximize your savings and enjoy the benefits of being a valued customer.
What is the return policy at Country Store?
Country Store values customer satisfaction and offers a guarantee on all purchases. If you’re not happy with your order, simply complete the return form on the back of the packing invoice and send it back along with the product you wish to return. Most products are eligible for a full refund, exchange, or store credit, allowing you to shop with confidence.
About Country Store
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