We all need a good night’s sleep to be productive and feel good. But what if you could turn this necessity into a luxury experience that brings enjoyment and comfort? I have recently discovered that just changing your regular cotton sheets into really fancy once can make a difference.

I used to buy plain cotton sheets at Costco, and they worked fine for me, but last month I splurged onto Miracle Sheet Luxe Sheet Set and now I see the difference and understand why it is reflected on the price.

First, I will describe how I feel about sleeping on them and then I will focus on their properties. Miracle Bed Sheets are durable, and the fabric is designed to withstand numerous machine washings. I supposed that these sheets are going to last longer than thin cotton ones I used to buy. Also, Miracle Bed Sheets have satin thread that adds some silky finish to them. On the other hand, being so durable they have their downsize – Miracle sheets are a bit rougher than traditional cotton ones. It’s a matter of taste and preferences, but for many people sleeping on very soft sheets is important. I like the silky finish of my new Miracle Sheet Luxe Sheet Set and I hope that they will last me longer.
Another reason why Miracle Sheets have all the chances to outlive their cheaper Costco competitors is their antibacterial silver-infused fabric that helps fight bacteria. When we sleep bacteria get onto the sheets and start spreading. The bacteria growth is responsible for the sheet odor when the sheets are not fresh. The idea of adding anti-bacterial properties to cotton sheets has its grounds. It means that the sheets will stay fresher till the next washing, and you can change them less often. The company claims that the sheets are self-cleaning and stay fresh up to 3 times longer, but I would say that it’s just a marketing strategy. I wouldn’t risk sleeping on mine for so long. For example, I change my cotton sheets every week, but my Miracle sheets are OK for 10-14 days. Anyway, all this means less washing and drying.

Well. I’ve covered the biggest Miracle Sheet advantages, and now it’s time to look into Miracle Sheet cons. Miracle Sheet has probably one flaw: the price. Miracle Sheet Luxe Sheet Set of 2 pillows, 1 fitted sheet, and 1 flat sheet normally costs $224. But now due to the early Mother’s Day Sale its price is reduced to $129, plus you will get 3 towels for free! To save even more consider using Miracle Sheets code 20MAY to get an extra 20% off your order. You can see more Miracle Sheets coupon codes here.
Yes, the price of Miracle Sheet Luxe Sheet Set is not the most affordable, but, if you weigh all the cons and pros, you will decide for yourself if the added properties and comfort are worth some extra money spent. The set is available in 8 colors, so you are sure to find those that match the color of your bedding.

I find Miracle Sheet Luxe Sheet Set very comfortable. The fabric is made to help the body retain heat better. The sheets feel nice to the skin and have some cooling effect. Their satin finish adds some luxury touch and helps relax after a busy day.
I’ve upgraded my sleeping experience and I now enjoy the comfort similar to that you can expect to get at the best hotels. I also ordered Saatva Silk Eye Mask to add more comfort and luxury to my sleeping experience.

Now I don’t have to book a 5-star hotel to sleep like a queen. Everyone deserves the highest quality sleep at their home every single night.