How to stay healthy and look young? This question bothers many middle-aged people and there are different theories about how to look great in your forties. It’s easy to look fabulous when you are a celebrity and a whole army of cosmetologists work to make you look as if you are in your twenties. But what about an average John Doe? I want to say that it is possible to stay and look young without being a movie star and without spending a fortune. I want to share my husband’s life hacks that help him feel and look great.
Here are two photos of my husband. The first was taken 21 years ago when he was in his mid-twenties and the latter was taken in January 2023. He is 48 now and he still looks very good. Here are his secrets of looking young he kindly agreed to share.
Eating Organic Food Products

The quality of the food you eat is the cornerstone of staying young. It’s important to buy quality organic food and cook your meals from scratch. Avoid buying processed products and precooked meals, as you can’t be sure that they are made of organic products. Farmer’s markets are an excellent source of organic food products, and even thought the prices are higher there, vegetables, fruits and other seasonal produce taste much better. Focus on stores selling high quality organic produce. We often shop at Whole Goods, Wholesome Choice, Bristol Farms Newfound Market, Trader Joe’s. Sometimes we would even get to LA to purchase fresh greens at Erewhon Market.

Drinking raw milk also is good for health. Benefits of drinking raw milk include reduced risk of allergies, eczema, asthma and even respiratory infections.
Say No to Smoking and Alcohol
It’s obvious that bad habits shorten your life span and impact the way you look. It makes no sense to consume alcohol and/or smoke because it harms your body and your cells age quicker. But drinking plenty of water is good for your body and skin. It helps stay slim and not to gain weight.
Replace Pepsi by Kombucha

Eliminating added sugars and sugar in general is vital if you want to look good. Soft drinks are loaded with added sugars, so switch to kombucha instead, for example. It contains antioxidants that decrease DNA damage and support immune system.
Practice Detoxing or Colon Cleansing

For over 8 years my husband has been drinking ColonBroom for detoxing. Before that he practiced drinking Psyllium Husk powder for a couple of years, but then he switched to ColonBroom. He says he likes ColonBroom more because it tastes much better. Psyllium Husk on its own is tasteless and you had better add it to smoothies to really enjoy it. When it comes to ColonBroom the drink tastes good on its own due to nice strawberry flavor. ColonBroom ingredients also include Psyllium Husk powder, but as I said before, you don’t need to add it to fruits or vegetable drinks. Just mix 1 scoop of the powder with water and it is ready. Super easy, convenient and what’s even more important, effective. Since he regularly uses ColonBroom I always order it with Colon Broom Coupon to save on my purchase.
Sometimes he has breaks from using ColonBroom and in this case he drinks kefir before going to bed. Kefir is also good for digestive system, and it always works mildly to cleanse colon.

Ionic minerals are also effective elements that enhance nutrient absorption, digestive health and detoxing. My darling takes them from time to time too to add to his routine colon cleansing program.
Taking Supplements

My husband regularly takes Vitamin C because it is great for boosting the immune system.

Other supplements with anti-aging effect include Chlorella, Korean Ginseng and Kefir. He doesn’t take them all together, but takes some of them for a couple of months and then switches to other supplements, changing them as he feels the need.

From time to time he takes Hyaluronic Acid by Synthovial Seven in the liquid form and it helps make skin texture more even and ensures some lifting effect.

Collagen Booster by Moon Juice is a must have too, as it supplies the body with enough collagen for skin regeneration.
Getting Plenty of Exercise

Training in the gym or a home with weights is easy and effective means to be fit. Also, my husband likes biking and uses it whenever he has a chance. He even thinks of purchasing an electric bike. This gorgeous Porsche bike is currently on this wish list.
As you see, there are not very many rules you’ve got to follow to stay healthy and look young. All it takes is a little bit of discipline and will power to stick to these recommendations all the time. I don’t remember when my husband ate sugar or sweets for the last time. Just make sure you develop healthy eating habits you won’t want to give up.