The biggest holiday of the year is approaching, and savvy shoppers start looking for exclusive beautiful Christmas home decorations while supply lasts. They know very well that in a couple of weeks the best Christmas decorations will be gone and don’t want to miss a chance to grab some fabulous Christmas ornaments and other decorations that will turn their home into a magic place.

Some of the most traditional Christmas accessories we all have got used to placing near the fireplace are Christmas stockings.

Usually, we hang Christmas stockings over the fireplace, and it is the first place to check when we wake up on Christmas morning.

But I was surprised to discover that there are giant Christmas stockings that literally stand! They can hold gifts and just don’t tip over when placed on the floor! I saw such stockings at Roger’s Garden, but you can also order them online at standingstocking.com and get them delivered right to the door. Such stockings will make perfect Christmas decorations that will really stand out.

In case you want to get personalized Christmas stocking for each of your family member, there is not better place for ordering such than Personalization Mall. They have a vast selection of Christmas stockings in a variety of styles, from vintage to elegant, glamour and funny ones. Now you can order them with discount if you use Personalization Mall Coupon. Since we have a family of four and two kids, we had better our stockings personalized so there is not misunderstanding about whose stocking it is.

Of course, the main accessory and the living room centerpiece in any home is Christmas tree. Personally, I have got tired of traditional glass balls or Santas as Christmas tree ornaments even though they look really cute.

What I look for these days is exclusive Christmas tree ornaments and home decorations that would be a little bit off the beaten path.

What I really fancy is unusual shapes of Christmas ornaments, like donuts, cupcakes, candy and other treats.

Old World classic designs with the modern twist deserve special attention. I love this cute popcorn Christmas tree ornament from Poland.

And cookie like snowflakes, heart shaped cookie Christmas ornaments look exactly like food.

Foodies will also appreciate macaron- and cakelike Christmas ornaments which are awesome.

Gingerbread house Christmas ornaments also look both retro and chic. Imagine how cool it would be to decorate all your Christmas tree with these cute treats as ornaments. Besides these Christmas decorations are made in Poland and are not widely available for sale in popular chain stores here in the U.S. So I’m sure, if you choose these your Christmas tree has got all the chances to be exclusive.

In addition to Christmas tree decorations, it would be nice to adorn your home with Christmas toys and other accessories.

You can pick timeless classics or hilarious Christmas decorations to create the festive atmosphere. This funny Santa chef is amazing!

And Santa Claus sitting on a white truck piled with Christmas gifts is my favorite prick. I wish I could afford it, because it’s really expensive, but unique.

Handmade figures of carol singers, carrying gingerbread men and Christmas wreaths will take you back into the past.

Handmade Christmas toys by modern artists impress with high quality materials and great attention to detail.

Boutique Christmas ornaments and toys are really exclusive and retain individual artist’s style. They will make a perfect gift for those who value luxury and distinctive flair.

Christmas House Advent Calendar by Buyers Choice is a must have for those with nostalgia about the times long gone.

With such a wide choice of Christmas decorations you can easily find something really special and original. Whatever your preferences are there is something for everyone these days and great opportunities to be creative and express your individual style.