Where can I find the latest deals and discounts at IHG Hotels & Resorts Hotels & Resorts?
To discover the latest deals and savings at IHG Hotels & Resorts, simply click on the “Offers” tab on their homepage. This section features limited-time promotions, discount codes, and exclusive deals that can save you up to 10% or more on your bookings. Keep checking back for special sales events, such as “Friends & Family” discounts.
How can I earn rewards with IHG Hotels & Resorts?
By joining the free IHG Hotels & Resorts Rewards Program, you can earn points every time you book a stay. As you progress through the program’s tiers, you’ll unlock additional benefits like no blackout dates for rewards nights, no expiration dates for rewards, and exclusive member-only rates and promotions.
Does IHG Hotels & Resorts offer a Best Price Guarantee?
Yes, IHG Hotels & Resorts guarantees that booking directly through their website will always provide the lowest price available. If you find a lower price from a direct competitor, IHG Hotels & Resorts will not only match the price but also award you 5x points, up to 40,000 points, for your stay. You can initiate the claim process by submitting a form online.
Are there any benefits to becoming an IHG Hotels & Resorts Rewards Premier Credit Card member?
Yes, applying for the IHG Hotels & Resorts Rewards Premier Credit Card comes with exclusive perks. Earn 140,000 bonus points after spending $3,000 in the first three months of account opening. You can also earn up to 26x points at IHG Hotels & Resorts hotels and resorts, 5x points on travel, gas stations, and dining, and 3x points on all other purchases. Cardholders receive a free night for their cardmember anniversary and an upgrade to Platinum Elite status. Please note that there is an annual fee of $99 for the credit card membership.
About IHG Hotels u0026amp; Resorts
IHG Hotels u0026amp; Resorts is an international hotel company. Official website of Holiday Inn, Holiday Inn Express, Crowne Plaza, Hotel Indigo, InterContinental, Staybridge Suites, Candlewood Suites and IHG One Rewards. They are so confident that the best prices on IHG hotels can be found on their website that they prove it. If you find a lower price elsewhere, the first night will be free.
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