Colorful and Controversial Easter Candy: Do Peeps Deserve Their Spot in Easter Baskets?

Health and BeautyPeeps Easter Candy
PEEPS® Iconic Marshmallow Candy.

Easter is a time for family celebrations, painted eggs, and, of course, candy. But let’s be honest: among all the sweets that hit store shelves this time of year, there’s one product that deserves special attention… as an example of gastronomic failure. Yes, we’re talking about Peeps—those terribly bright, artificially sweet, strangely spongy marshmallows that look like they were created in a lab, not a kitchen.

Peeps fans will say they’re a classic, that they’re an integral part of Easter. But honestly, does anyone actually enjoy eating them? Or do they just end up in the Easter basket because that’s the norm? One bite and you feel the sugar literally burn your tongue, and what’s left is a sticky, unnaturally airy mass that you can’t chew completely without a little guilt.

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Peeps are not just the height of bad taste, they’re also a health hazard. Marshmallows in their traditional form are basically fruit puree, sugar, and gelatin, but Peeps go even further – they’re loaded with artificial colors and preservatives. If you’ve ever wondered how such a neon shade of yellow or pink can exist, the answer is simple: a chemistry lab.

Busy Kids Pinwheel & Pop Set
Busy Kids Pinwheel & Pop Set.

Now let’s talk about the harm. Eating a lot of marshmallows (not just Peeps, but especially them) can contribute to the development of diabetes. This makes sense, because each piece is a concentrated dose of sugar, which sharply increases blood glucose levels. People with diabetes should avoid such products or choose low-sugar options.

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In addition, marshmallows may contain allergens. Some options contain egg white or other ingredients that may cause a reaction in sensitive people. And of course, artificial additives. The dyes that make Peeps so bright can provoke hyperactivity in children or even cause allergic reactions. If there is a choice between natural sweets and this multi-colored horror, it is worth thinking about it.

What to do if you do not want to completely give up sweets, but you care about your blood sugar level? Completely avoiding sugar can be difficult, especially if you enjoy sweet treats as part of your daily routine. However, maintaining healthy glucose levels is essential for overall well-being. Fortunately, there are special supplements designed to support glucose balance, allowing you to indulge in moderation without severe spikes or crashes.

For example, Sugar Defender helps reduce sharp spikes in sugar after eating sweets, making it easier to manage post-meal glucose levels. GlucoFreedom improves metabolism and stabilizes sugar levels throughout the day, promoting steady energy. Meanwhile, Gluco6 supports the pancreas, helping the body regulate glucose more effectively and enhancing its natural ability to process sugars. With the right approach, you can enjoy sweets responsibly while prioritizing your health.

GlucoFreedom Top-Rated Blood Sugar Support Supplement
GlucoFreedom helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels, suppresses cravings for sweets.

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Maybe this Easter you should make a choice in favor of better alternatives? There are many delicious and natural options – dark chocolate, homemade cookies, fruits. Instead, Peeps can stay where they belong – in the basket, as decoration. And even there, they will look too suspicious.